Libby North

Photo of artist Libby North

Quite Simply….”I Love to Create”….through a love of textiles and colourI love to create Art with a sense of Nostalgia or Fun. Creating oldPatina’s and hidden layers that draws you to look a little deeper,seeing something, feeling something that perhaps another persondoesn’t.

Winter Fell artwork by Libby North

The journey itself brings joy and feeds the soul.Loving the process, getting lost in the creation both physically and emotionally and inviting the beholder to get lost for a few moments…I Love That!

Recycling and reusing old things, giving them a new life.Using a combination of control and allowing the paint to do what it wants, seeing the colour and texture come to life on your canvas, completing the story, that is exciting.

Libby North 1

To bring a bit of beauty, a bit of fun to someones life is part of that joy… to bring a smile, a connection is a privilege… I think we all love that.